Pre Care

Do not take Advil or any other blood thinners such as Vitamin E, Niacin, Ibuprofen and Aspirin unless necessary for 72 hours prior to the lip blush procedure. You may take Tylenol. 

Avoid any form of exercising on the day of the procedure.

Do not consume any caffeine or alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment to help prevent bleeding and pain.

Do not come to the appointment if you have a cold sore on your lips as the procedure cannot be done.

If you are prone to getting cold sores and have the virus herpes, the lip blush treatment can cause an outbreak and it is recommended to take an anti viral medication (for example, Zivorax) 5 days before and the day of the appointment and continue use for 5 days after or advised by a medical professional.

Do not get any lip fillers for at least 4 weeks prior or after your appointment.

Do not get any laser, chemical peels or use any AHA/BHA on your face for at least 4 weeks before your appointment.

Read through the entire post care instructions before you schedule your appointment so you can schedule the appointment date according to the healing time.

After Care

Avoid any salty, oily, spicy and citrus food for the first few days.

On the day of your appointment, wipe your lips each hour with a cotton round to absorb any fluids and then apply ointment right after.

Do not touch your lips with dirty fingers!

Apply the given ointment multiple times a day for at least 10 days after the procedure with either a clean finger or Q-tips provided and pat it in and do not rub.

You may ice the area within the first 48 hours, do not put the ice directly on your lips use a barrier and only keep it on for 10 minutes at a time.

Do not smoke while your lips are healing for at least 10 days after your appointment.

Do not kiss or rub lips while your lips are healing. Try not to constantly wipe or lick your lips when eating.

Avoid swimming for at least 4 weeks to help avoid an infection.

Do not whiten teeth while your lips are healing (at least 2 weeks)

Do not go into direct sunlight or tanning beds for 4 weeks as this can alter the colour of the pigment on your lips.

Do not touch or pick at your lips! If you pick at your lips or the scabs this will remove the lip colour. Let the scabs fall off naturally.

After 10 days, you can wear lip makeup but make sure the product is new.

Do not get any facials, Botox or fillers for at least 4 weeks after the appointment.

Do not use any soaps or creams on your lips for 10 days.

Avoid wetting your lips for 10 days, when showering, brushing teeth, etc. put ointment on the area to protect your lips from the water.

Drink everything through a straw if possible for one week following the procedure.